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Trains à Grande Vitesse TGV 001 - 1972

*record run 08-Dec-1972


TGV 001

tgv7201 tgv7203
*1. loc side - back view
tgv7202 tgv7204
*1. loc top - front view

tgv7211 tgv7213
*1. trailer side - back view
tgv7212 tgv7214
*1. trailer top - front view

tgv7221 tgv7223
*2. trailer side - back view
tgv7222 tgv7224
*2. trailer top - front view

tgv7231 tgv7233
*3. trailer side - back view
tgv7232 tgv7234
*3. trailer top - front view

tgv7241 tgv7243
*2. loc side - back view
tgv7242 tgv7244
*2. loc top - front view

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Record run:

TGV 001

attempt load record line location RECORD average speed per mile
08-Dec-1972 2 locs 3 trailers between Lamothe and Morcenx France 318,0 km/h (197.6 mph)

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